Mozambique Media Centre

Driving down maternal mortality in Mozambique

In Mozambique, a protracted civil war had a devastating impact on public health services and infrastructure.

Largely because of this legacy, in the year 2000, Mozambique had one of the world’s highest rates of maternal mortality, with roughly one in 160 women dying from pregnancy or childbirth complications.

However, the country has since made significant strides in reversing this trend by making maternal health one of its top priorities, saving the lives of thousands of women.

In 2023, Mozambique’s maternal mortality ratio was 223 deaths per 100 000 live births, equating to an over 50% decrease from 2000.


Mozambique polio vaccination drive strives to reach all children

Mozambique confirmed a case of wild poliovirus in May 2022 – the first of its kind since 1992 – prompting a public health emergency response that includes a nationwide vaccination campaign. Nearly 15000 vaccinators were mobilized and trained by the World Health Organization. In Niassa province alone, over 100 vaccinators were deployed to markets, schools, churches and houses to ensure no child was left behind. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is supporting actions at country level to ensure all eligible children are vaccinated. #who #africa #west #westafrica #polio #community #health #vaccine #vaccination

Une campagne de vaccination contre la polio au Mozambique pour atteindre tous les enfants

Le Mozambique a confirmé un cas de poliovirus sauvage en mai 2022 - le premier de ce type depuis 1992 - ce qui a déclenché une intervention d'urgence en matière de santé publique comprenant une campagne de vaccination à l'échelle nationale. Près de 15 000 agents vaccinateurs ont été mobilisés et formés par l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé. Dans la seule province de Niassa, plus de 100 agents ont été déployés sur les marchés, dans les écoles, les églises et les maisons pour s'assurer qu'aucun enfant n’est laissé pour compte.

Dra Tatiana Marrufo Medica Investigadora do INS fala sobre os efeitos negativos das Mudanças Climáticas na Saúde

Em celebração do Dia Mundial de Saúde sobre o lema: “O Nosso Planeta, A Nossa Saúde“. Dra. Tatiana Marrufo Medica Investigadora do Instituto Nacional de Saúde em Moçambique.  Fala sobre os efeitos negativos que as mudanças climáticas têm na Saúde, sobre a parceria que o instituto tem com a OMS no pais, e deixa uma a mensagem para que os indivíduos no sentido de adotarem comportamentos ou atitudes mais conscientes ao clima na sua vida quotidiana.
